IF one could run without getting tired,I don’t think one would often want to do anything else. But there might be special reasons for stopping,and it was a special reason which made Eustace presently shout:
“I say! Steady! Look what we’re coming to!”
And well he might. For now they saw before them Caldron Pool and beyond the Pool the high unclimbable cliffs and,pouring down the cliffs,thousands of tons of water every second,flashing like diamonds in some places and dark,glassy green in others,the Great Waterfall; and already the thunder of it was in their ears.
“Don’t stop! Further up and further in,”called Farsight,tilting his flight a little upwards.
“It’s all very well for him,”said Eustace,but Jewel also cried out:
“Don’t stop. Further up and further in! Take it in your stride.”
His voice could only just be heard above the roar of the water but next moment everyone saw that he had plunged into the Pool. And helter-skelter behind him,with splash after splash,all the others did the same. The water was not bitingly cold as all of them and especially Puzzle expected,but of a delicious foamy coolness. They all found they were swimming straight for the Waterfall itself.
“This is absolutely crazy,”said Eustace to Edmund.
“I know. And yet-”said Edmund.
“Isn’t it wonderful ?”said Lucy.“Have you noticed one can’t feel afraid,even if one wants to ? Try it.”