chater fifteen an ake a dr the air (第2/7页)
“It becomes you very well,Small One,”said Aslan.
“All the same,”replied Reepicheep,“if anything could be done…Perhaps her Majesty?”and here he bowed to Lucy.
“But what do you want with a tail?”asked Aslan.
“Sir,”said the Mouse,“I can eat and sleep and die for my King without one.But a tail is the honour and glory of a Mouse.”
“I have sometimes wondered,friend,”said Aslan,“whether you do not think too much about your honour.”
“Highest of all High Kings,”said Reepicheep,“permit me to remind you that a very small size has been bestowed on us Mice,and if we did not guard our dignity,some who weigh worth by inches would allow themselves very unsuitable pleasantries at our expense.That is why I have been at some pains to make it known that no one who does not wish to feel this sword as near his heart as I can reach shall talk in my presence about Traps or Toasted Cheese or Candles: no,Sir—not the tallest fool in Narnia!”Here he glared very fiercely up at Wimbleweather,but the Giant,who was always a stage behind everyone else,had not yet discovered what was being talked about down at his feet,and so missed the point.
“Why have your followers all drawn their swords,may I ask?”said Aslan.
“May it please your High Majesty,”said the second Mouse,whose name was Peepiceek,“we are all waiting to cut off our own tails if our Chief must go without his.We will not bear the shame of wearing an honour which is denied to the High Mouse.”
“Ah!”roared Aslan.“You have conquered me.You have great hearts.Not for the sake of your dignity,Reepicheep,but for the love that is between you and your people,and still more for the kindness your people showed me long ago when you ate away the cords that bound me on the Stone Table and it was then,though you have long forgotten it,that you began to be Talking Mice,you shall have your tail again.”