

EDMUND meanwhile had been having a most disappointing time.When the dwarf had gone to get the sledge ready he expected that the Witch would start being nice to him,as she had been at their last meeting.But she said nothing at all.And when at last Edmund plucked up his courage to say,“Please,your Majesty,could I have some Turkish Delight? You-you-said-”she answered,“Silence,fool!”Then she appeared to change her mind and said,as if to herself,“And yet it will not do to have the brat fainting on the way,”and once more clapped her hands.Another,dwarf appeared.

“Bring the human creature food and drink,”she said.

The dwarf went away and presently returned bringing an iron bowl with some water in it and an iron plate with a hunk of dry bread on it.He grinned in a repulsive manner as he set them down on the floor beside Edmund and said:

“Turkish Delight for the little Prince.Ha! Ha! Ha!”

“Take it away,”said Edmund sulkily.“I don’t want dry bread. ” ut the Witch suddenly turned on him with such a terrible expression on her face that he,apologized and began to nibble at the bread, though,it was so stale he could hardly get it down.

“You may be glad enough of it before you taste bread again,”said the Witch.

While he was still chewing away the first dwarf came back and announced that the sledge was ready.The White Witch rose and went out,ordering Edmund to go with her.The snow was again falling as they came into the courtyard,but she took no notice of that and made Edmund sit beside her on the sledge.But before they drove off she called Maugrim and he came bounding like an enormous dog to the side of the sledge.

“Take with you the swiftest of your wolves and go at once to the house of the Beavers,”said the Witch,“and kill whatever you find there.If they are already gone,then make all speed to the Stone Table,but do not be seen.Wait for me there in hiding. I meanwhile must go many miles to the West before I find a place where I can drive across the river.You may overtake these humans before they reach the Stone Table.You will know what to do if you find them !”

“I hear and obey,O Queen,”growled the Wolf,and immediately he shot away into the snow and darkness,as quickly as a horse can gallop.In a few minutes he had called another wolf and was with him down on the dam sniffing at the Beavers’ house.But of course they found it empty.It would have been a dreadful thing for the Beavers and the children if the night had remained fine,for the wolves would then have been able to follow their trail-and ten to one would have overtaken them before they had got to the cave. But now that the snow had begun again the scent was cold and even the footprints were covered up.

Meanwhile the dwarf whipped up the reindeer,and the Witch and Edmund drove out under the archway and on and away into the darkness and the cold.This was a terrible journey for Edmund,who had no coat.Before they had been going quarter of an hour all the front of him was covered with snow-he soon stopped trying to shake it off because,as quickly as he did that, a new lot gathered,and he was so tired.Soon he was wet to the skin. And oh,how miserable he was ! It didn’t look now as if the Witch intended to make him a King.All the things he had said to make himself believe that she was good and kind and that her side was really the right side sounded to him silly now.He would have given anything to meet the others at this moment-even Peter ! The only way to comfort himself now was to try to believe that the whole thing was a dream and that he might wake up at any moment.And as they went on,hour after hour,it did come to seem like a dream.

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曲砚穿书成了跟他同名同姓的剑宗大师兄。 剑宗大师兄除了有一个大师兄的名头之外什么也没有,灵根不行,天赋一般,凭着父母在十多年前为修真界与天魔同归于尽的缘由,在玄域剑宗占了一个山头,过着与世隔绝的日子。 原
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简介:我和陆沉宴青梅竹马一起长大,夫妻数载,我爱他入骨,却换来了他出轨我爸的私生女。 可当我在手术台上拼了命生产的时候,同父异母的妹妹闯进来,笑得讥讽:姐姐,只有我才配生下沉宴哥哥的孩子,你去死吧。 他一脸温柔揽她入怀。 重来一世,我不要他了,嫁给了炙手可热的陆氏家主。 陆沉宴却狼狈不堪地跪在我面前,乞求我不要离开他。 而我那新任老公从身后揽着我的腰,睥睨着痛哭忏悔的人:“你该称她一声小婶。”
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