

AFTER this,Caspian and his Tutor had many more secret conversations on the top of the Great Tower,and at each conversation Caspian learned more about Old Narnia,so that thinking and dreaming about the old days,and longing that they might come back,filled nearly all his spare hours.But of course he had not many hours to spare,for now his education was beginning in earnest.He learned sword-fighting and riding,swimming and diving,how to shoot with the bow and play on the recorder and the theorbo,how to hunt the stag and cut him up when he was dead,besides Cosmography,Rhetoric,Heraldry,Versification,and of course History,with a little Law,Physic,Alchemy,and Astronomy.Of Magic he learned only the theory,for Doctor Cornelius said the practical part was not proper study for princes.“And I myself,”he added,“am only a very imperfect magician and can do only the smallest experiments.”Of Navigation “Which is a noble and heroical art,”said the Doctor he was taught nothing,because King Miraz disapproved of ships and the sea.

He also learned a great deal by using his own eyes and ears.As a little boy he had often wondered why he disliked his aunt,Queen Prunaprismia; he now saw that it was because she disliked him.He also began to see that Narnia was an unhappy country.The taxes were high and the laws were stern and Miraz was a cruel man.

After some years there came a time when the Queen seemed to be ill and there was a great deal of bustle and pother about her in the castle and doctors came and the courtiers whispered.This was in early summertime.And one night,while all this fuss was going on,Caspian was unexpectedly wakened by Doctor Cornelius after he had been only a few hours in bed.

“Are we going to do a little Astronomy,Doctor?”said Caspian.

“Hush!”said the Doctor.“Trust me and do exactly as I tell you.Put on all your clothes; you have a long journey before you.”

Caspian was very surprised,but he had learned to have confidence in his Tutor and he began doing what he was told at once.When he was dressed the Doctor said,“I have a wallet for you.We must go into the next room and fill it with victuals from your Highness’s supper table.”

“My gentlemen-in-waiting will be there,”said Caspian.

“They are fast asleep and will not wake,”said the Doctor.“I am a very minor magician but I can at least contrive a charmed sleep.”

They went into the antechamber and there,sure enough,the two gentlemen-in-waiting were,sprawling on chairs and snoring hard.Doctor Cornelius quickly cut up the remains of a cold chicken and some slices of venison and put them,with bread and an apple or so and a little flask of good wine,into the wallet which he then gave to Caspian.It fitted on by a strap over Caspian’s shoulder,like a satchel you would use for taking books to school.

“Have you your sword?”asked the Doctor.

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曲砚穿书成了跟他同名同姓的剑宗大师兄。 剑宗大师兄除了有一个大师兄的名头之外什么也没有,灵根不行,天赋一般,凭着父母在十多年前为修真界与天魔同归于尽的缘由,在玄域剑宗占了一个山头,过着与世隔绝的日子。 原
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简介:我和陆沉宴青梅竹马一起长大,夫妻数载,我爱他入骨,却换来了他出轨我爸的私生女。 可当我在手术台上拼了命生产的时候,同父异母的妹妹闯进来,笑得讥讽:姐姐,只有我才配生下沉宴哥哥的孩子,你去死吧。 他一脸温柔揽她入怀。 重来一世,我不要他了,嫁给了炙手可热的陆氏家主。 陆沉宴却狼狈不堪地跪在我面前,乞求我不要离开他。 而我那新任老公从身后揽着我的腰,睥睨着痛哭忏悔的人:“你该称她一声小婶。”
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