chater thirteen the fight at anvard (第2/5页)
"Battering ram,"whispered Corin."They re battering the gate."
Even Corin looked quite serious now.
"Why doesn t King Edmund get on ?"he said.,I can t stand this waiting about.Chilly too."
Shasta nodded: hoping he didn t look as frightened as felt.
The trumpet at last ! On the move now-now trotting the banner streaming out in the wind. They had topped low ridge now,and below them the whole scene sudden opened out;a little, many-towered castle with its gate towards them. No moat, unfortunately, but of course the gate shut and the portcullis down. On the walls they could see, like little white dots, the faces of the defenders. Down below, about fifty of the Calormenes, dismounted, were steadily swinging a great tree trunk against the gate. But at once the scene changed. The main bulk of Rabadash s men had been on foot ready to assault the gate. But now he had seen the Narnians sweeping down from the ridge. There is no doubt those Calormenes are wonderfully trained. It seemed to Shasta only a second before a whole line of the enemy were on horseback again, wheeling round to meet them, swinging towards them.
And now a gallop.The ground between the two armies grew less every moment.Faster,faster.All swords out now, all shields up to the nose,all prayers said,all teeth clenched. Shasta was dreadfully frightened.But it suddenly came into his head,,If you funk this,you ll funk every battle all your life. Now or never."
But when at last the two lines met he had really very littler idea of what happened. There was a frightful confusion;and an appalling noise. His sword was knocked clean out of his hand pretty soon. And he d got the reins tangled somehow. Then he found himself slipping. Then a spear came straight at him and as he ducked to avoid it he rolled right off his horse, bashed his left knuckles terribly against someone else s armour, and then-But it is no use trying to describe the battle from Shasta s point of view;
he understood too little of the fight in general and even of his own part in it.The best way I can tell you what really happened is to take you some miles away to where the Hermit of the Southern March sat gazing into the smooth pool beneath the spreading tree, with Bree and Hwin and Aravis beside him.