Eustace was now up and he and Jill set about helping Orruns to get the breakfast. Puddleglum was told to stay in bed. A Centaur called Cloudbirth,a famous healer,or(as Orruns called it)a ‘leech’,was coming to see to his burnt foot.
“Ah !”said Puddleglum in a tone almost of contentment,“he’ll want to have the leg off at the knee,I shouldn’t wonder. You see if he doesn’t.”But he was quite glad to stay in bed.
Breakfast was scrambled eggs and toast and Eustace tackled it just as if he had not had a very large supper in the middle of the night.
“I say,Son of Adam,”said the Faun,looking with a certain awe at Eustace’s mouthfuls. “There’s no need to hurry quite so dreadfully as that. I don’t think the Centaurs have quite finished their breakfasts yet.”
“Then they must have got up very late,”said Eustace. “I bet it’s after ten o’clock.”
“Oh no,”said Orruns. “They got up before it was light.”
“Then they must have waited the dickens of a time for breakfast,”said Eustace.
“No,they didn’t,”said Orruns. “They began eating the minute they awoke.”
“Golly !”said Eustace.“Do they eat a very big breakfast ?”