chater ne by caldrn l (第6/7页)
“That would be dreadful,”said Puzzle.
“No it wouldn’t,”said Shift.“Everyone would do whatever you told them.”
“But I don’t want to tell them anything.”
“But you think of the good we could do!”said Shift.“You’d have me to advise you,you know. I’d think of sensible orders for you to give. And everyone would have to obey us,even the King himself. We would set everything right in Narnia.”
“But isn’t everything right already ?”said Puzzle.
“What!”cried Shift.“Everything right ?-when there are no oranges or bananas ?”
“Well,you know,”said Puzzle,“there aren’t many people-in fact,I don’t think there’s anyone but yourself-who wants those sort of things.”
“There’s sugar too,”said Shift.
“H’m yes,”said the Ass.“It would be nice if there was more sugar.”