

FOR a long time they could not speak nor even shed a tear. Then the Unicorn stamped the ground with his hoof,and shook his mane,and spoke.

“Sire,”he said,“there is now no need of counsel. We see that the Ape’s plans were laid deeper than we dreamed of. Doubtless he has been long in secret traffic with The Tisroc,and as soon as he had found the lion-skin he sent him word to make ready his navy for the taking of Cair Paravel and all Narnia. Nothing now remains for us seven but to go back to Stable Hill,proclaim the truth,and take the adventure that Aslan sends us. And if,by a great marvel, we defeat those thirty Calormenes who are with the Ape,then to turn again and die in battle with the far greater host of them that will soon march from Cair Paravel.”

Tirian nodded. But he turned to the children and said:“Now, friends,it is time for you to go hence into your own world. Doubtless you have done all that you were sent to do.”

“B-but we’ve done nothing,”said Jill who was shivering,not with fear exactly but because everything was so horrible.

“Nay,”said the King,“you loosed me from the tree:you glided before me like a snake last night in the wood and took Puzzle:and you,Eustace,killed your man. But you are too young to share in such a bloody end as we others must meet tonight or,it may be,three days hence. I entreat you-nay,I command you-to return to your own place. I should be put to shame if I let such young warriors fall in battle on my side.”

“No,no,no,”said Jill very white when she began speaking and then suddenly very red and then white again.“We won’t, I don’t care what you say. We’re going to stick with you whatever happens,aren’t we,Eustace ?”

“Yes,but there’s no need to get so worked up about it,”said Eustace who had stuck his hands in his pockets forgetting how very odd that looks when you are wearing a mail shirt.“Because,you see,we haven’t any choice. What’s the good of talking about our going back! How ? We’ve got no magic for doing it!”

This was very good sense but,at the moment,Jill hated Eustace for saying it. He was fond of being dreadfully matter-of-fact when other people got excited.

When Tirian realized that the two strangers could not get home unless Aslan suddenly whisked them away,he next wanted them to go across the Southern mountains into Archenland where they might possibly be safe. But they didn’t know their way and there was no one to send with them. Also,as Poggin said,once the Calormenes had Narnia they would certainly take Archenland in the next week or so:The Tisroc had always wanted to have these Northern countries for his own. In the end Eustace and Jill begged so hard that Tirian said they could come with him and take their chance-or,as he much more sensibly called it,“the adventure that Aslan would send them”.

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曲砚穿书成了跟他同名同姓的剑宗大师兄。 剑宗大师兄除了有一个大师兄的名头之外什么也没有,灵根不行,天赋一般,凭着父母在十多年前为修真界与天魔同归于尽的缘由,在玄域剑宗占了一个山头,过着与世隔绝的日子。 原
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简介:我和陆沉宴青梅竹马一起长大,夫妻数载,我爱他入骨,却换来了他出轨我爸的私生女。 可当我在手术台上拼了命生产的时候,同父异母的妹妹闯进来,笑得讥讽:姐姐,只有我才配生下沉宴哥哥的孩子,你去死吧。 他一脸温柔揽她入怀。 重来一世,我不要他了,嫁给了炙手可热的陆氏家主。 陆沉宴却狼狈不堪地跪在我面前,乞求我不要离开他。 而我那新任老公从身后揽着我的腰,睥睨着痛哭忏悔的人:“你该称她一声小婶。”
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