

“Oh !”screamed the Queen,gathering her skirts close about her ankles. “The horrid thing ! It’s alive.”

“He’s quite all right,your Majesty,really,he is,”said Scrubb hastily. “You’ll like him much better when you get to know him. I’m sure you will.”

I hope you won’t lose all interest in Jill for the rest of the book if I tell you that at this moment she began to cry. There was a good deal of excuse for her. Her feet and hands and ears and nose were still only just beginning to thaw;melted snow was trickling off her clothes;she had had hardly anything to eat or drink that day;and her legs were aching so that she felt she could not go on standing much longer. Anyway,it did more good at the moment than anything else would have done,for the Queen said:“Ah,the poor child ! My lord,we do wrong to keep our guests standing. Quick,some of you !Take them away. Give them food and wine and baths. Comfort the little girl. Give her lollipops,give her dolls,give her physics,give her all you can think of—possets and comfits and caraways and lullabies and toys. Don’t cry,little girl,or you won’t be good for anything when the feast comes.”

Jill was just as indignant as you and I would have been at the mention of toys and dolls;and,though lollipops and comfits might be all very well in their way,she very much hoped that something more solid would be provided. The Queen’s foolish speech,however,produced excellent results,for Puddleglum and Scrubb were at once picked up by gigantic gentlemen-in-waiting,and Jill by a gigantic maid of honour,and carried off to their rooms.

Jill’s room was about the size of a church,and would have been rather grim if it had not had a roaring fire on the hearth and a very thick crimson carpet on the floor. And here delightful things began to happen to her. She was handed over to the Queen’s old Nurse,who was,from the giants’ point of view,a little old woman almost bent double with age,and,from the human point of view,a giantess small enough to go about an ordinary room without knocking her head on the ceiling. She was very capable, though Jill did wish she wouldn’t keep on clicking her tongue and saying things like“Oh la,la !Ups-a-daisy”and“There’s a duck”and“Now we’ll be all right,my poppet”. She filled a giant foot-bath with hot water and helped Jill into it. If you can swim (as Jill could)a giant bath is a lovely thing. And giant towels,

though a bit rough and coarse,are lovely too,because there are acres of them. In fact you don’t need to dry at all,you just roll about on them in front of the fire and enjoy yourself. And when that was over,clean,fresh,warmed clothes were put on Jill:very splendid clothes and a little too big for her,but clearly made for humans not giantesses. “I suppose if that woman in the green kirtle comes here,they must be used to guests of our size,”thought Jill.

She soon saw that she was right about this,for a table and chair of the right height for an ordinary grown-up human were placed for her,and the knives and forks and spoons were the proper size too. It was delightful to sit down,feeling warm and clean at last. Her feet were still bare and it was lovely to tread on the giant carpet. She sank in it well over her ankles and it was just the thing for sore feet. The meal—which I suppose we must call dinner, though it was nearer tea time—was cock-a-leekie soup,and hot roast turkey,and a steamed pudding,and roast chestnuts,and as much fruit as you could eat.

The only annoying thing was that the Nurse kept coming in and out,and every time she came in,she brought a gigantic toy with her—a huge doll,bigger than Jill herself,a wooden horse on wheels,about the size of an elephant,a drum that looked like a young gasometer,and a woolly lamb. They were crude,badly made things,painted in very bright colours,and Jill hated the sight of them. She kept on telling the Nurse she didn’t want them, but the Nurse said:“Tut-tut-tut-tut. You’ll want’em all right when you’ve had a bit of a rest,I know ! Te-he-he ! Beddy bye,now. A precious poppet !”

The bed was not a giant bed but only a big four-poster,like what you might see in an old-fashioned hotel;and very small it looked in that enormous room. She was very glad to tumble into it.

“Is it still snowing,Nurse ?”she asked sleepily.

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