

Aslan.The children blinked and looked about them.They were once more in the Wood between the Worlds;Uncle Andrew lay on the grass,still asleep;Aslan stood beside them.

“Come,”said Aslan;“it is time that you went back.But there are two things to see to first;a warning,and a command.Look here,children.”

They looked and saw a little hollow in the grass,with a grassy bottom,warm and dry.

“When you were last here,”said Aslan,“that hollow was a pool,and when you jumped into it you came to the world where a dying sun shone over the ruins of Charn.There is no pool now. That world is ended,as if it had never been.Let the race of Adam and Eve take warning.”

“Yes,Aslan,”said both the children.But Polly added,“But we’re not quite as bad as that world,are we,Aslan ?”

“Not yet,Daughter of Eve,”he said.“Not yet.But you are growing more like it.It is not certain that some wicked one of your race will not find out a secret as evil as the Deplorable Word and use it to destroy all living things.And soon,very soon,before you are an old man and an old woman,great nations in your world will be ruled by tyrants who care no more for joy and justice and mercy than the Empress Jadis.Let your world beware.That is the warning.Now for the command.As soon as you can,take from this Uncle of yours his magic rings and bury them so that no one can use them again.”

Both the children were looking up into the Lion’s face as he spoke these words.And all at once(they never knew exactly how it happened)the face seemed to be a sea of tossing gold in which they were floating,and such a sweetness and power rolled about them and over them and entered them that they felt they had never really been happy or wise or good,or even alive and awake,before.And the memory of that moment stayed with them always,so that as long as they both lived,if ever they were sad or afraid or angry,the thought of all that golden goodness,and the feeling that it was still there, quite close,just round some corner or just behind some door,would come back and make them sure,deep down inside,that all was well .Next minute all three of them(Uncle Andrew now awake)came tumbling into the noise,heat,and hot smells of London.

They were on the pavement outside the Ketterleys’front door, and except that the Witch,the Horse,and the Cabby were gone, everything was exactly as they had left it.There was the lamp-post,with one arm missing;there was the wreck of the hansom cab;and there was the crowd.Everyone was still talking and people were kneeling beside the damaged policeman,saying things like,“He’s coming round”or“How do you feel now,old chap ?”or“The Ambulance will be here in a jiffy.”

“Great Scott !”thought Digory,“I believe the whole adventure’s taken no time at all.”

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