

THERE was no doubt about the Magic this time.Down and down they rushed,first through darkness and then through a mass of vague and whirling shapes which might have been almost anything.It grew lighter.Then suddenly they felt that they were standing on something solid.A moment later everything came into focus and they were able to look about them.

“What a queer place !”said Digory.

“I don’t like it,”said Polly with something like a shudder.

What they noticed first was the light.It wasn’t like sunlight, and it wasn’t like electric light,or lamps,or candles,or any other light they had ever seen.It was a dull,rather red light,not at all cheerful.It was steady and did not flicker.They were standing on a flat paved surface and buildings rose all around them.There was no roof overhead;they were in a sort of courtyard.The sky was extraordinarily dark-a blue that was almost black.When you had seen that sky you wondered that there should be any light at all.

“It’s very funny weather here,”said Digory.“I wonder if we’ve arrived just in time for a thunderstorm;or an eclipse.”

“I don’t like it,”said Polly.

Both of them,without quite knowing why,were talking in whispers.And though there was no reason why they should still go on holding hands after their jump,they didn’t let go.

The walls rose very high all round that courtyard.They had many great windows in them,windows without glass,through which you saw nothing but black darkness.Lower down there were great pillared arches,yawning blackly like the mouths of railway tunnels.It was rather cold.

The stone of which everything was built seemed to be red,but that might only be because of the curious light.It was obviously very old.Many of the flat stones that paved the courtyard had cracks across them.None of them fitted closely together and the sharp corners were all worn off.One of the arched doorways was half filled up with rubble.The two children kept on turning round and round to look at the different sides of the courtyard.One reason was that they were afraid of somebody-or something-looking out of those windows at them when their backs were turned.

“Do you think anyone lives here ?”said Digory at last,still in a whisper.

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关于异界之随身武库: 修炼一途,唯在一心。心有所依,必不长久!修炼一途,危机四伏。心若张扬,生死瞬灭!若想长生久久视,心如万仞立苍穹,行若飘渺无踪觅!李逸阳穿越异界成为废物,却随身携带传承武库,就在他以为自己可以平推异界,做世界之王之时,武库之灵摇光却告诉他,自己是条被追杀亿万年的丧家犬!!李逸阳正是他费劲千辛万苦,前往祖源之地地球,寻找来的唯一希望!而这异界也只不过是个普通的小世界,他未来的路
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