

THE King was so dizzy from being knocked down that he hardly knew what was happening until the Calormenes untied his wrists and put his arms straight down by his sides and set him with his back against an ash tree. Then they bound ropes round his ankles and his knees and his waist and his chest and left him there. What worried him worst at the moment-for it is often little things that are hardest to stand-was that his lip was bleeding where they had hit him and he couldn’t wipe the little trickle of blood away although it tickled him.

From where he was he could still see the little stable on the top of the hill and the Ape sitting in front of it. He could just hear the Ape’s voice still going on and,every now and then,some answer from the crowd,but he could not make out the words.

“I wonder what they’ve done to Jewel,”thought the King.

Presently the crowd of beasts broke up and began going away in different directions. Some passed close to Tirian. They looked at him as if they were both frightened and sorry to see him tied up but none of them spoke. Soon they had all gone and there was silence in the wood. Then hours and hours went past and Tirian became first very thirsty and then very hungry; and as the afternoon dragged on and turned into evening,he became cold too. His back was very sore. The sun went down and it began to be twilight.

When it was almost dark Tirian heard a light pitter-patter of feet and saw some small creatures coming towards him. The three on the left were Mice,and there was a Rabbit in the middle: on the right were two Moles. Both these were carrying little bags on their backs which gave them a curious look in the dark so that at first he wondered what kind of beasts they were. Then,in a moment,they were all standing up on their hind legs,laying their cool paws on his knees and giving his knees snuffly animal kisses. They could reach his knees because Narnian Talking Beasts of that sort are bigger than the dumb beasts of the same kind in England.

“Lord King! dear Lord King,”said their shrill voices,“we are so sorry for you. We daren’t untie you because Aslan might be angry with us. But we’ve brought you your supper.”

At once the first Mouse climbed nimbly up till he was perched on the rope that bound Tirian’s chest and was wrinkling his blunt nose in front of Tirian’s face. Then the second Mouse climbed up and hung on just below the first Mouse. The other beasts stood on the ground and began handing things up.

“Drink,Sire,and then you’ll find you are able to eat,”said the topmost Mouse,and Tirian found that a little wooden cup was being held to his lips. It was only the size of an egg cup so that he had hardly tasted the wine in it before it was empty. But then the Mouse passed it down and the others re-filled it and it was passed up again and Tirian emptied it a second time. In this way they went on till he had quite a good drink,which was all the better for coming in little doses,for that is more thirst-quenching than one long draught.

“Here is cheese,Sire,”said the first Mouse,“but not very much,for fear it would make you too thirsty.”And after the cheese they fed him with oat-cakes and fresh butter,and then with some more wine.

“Now hand up the water,”said the first Mouse,“and I’ll wash the King’s face. There is blood on it.”

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