

About three weeks later the last of the Kings of Narnia sat under the great oak which grew beside the door of his little hunting lodge,where he often stayed for ten days or so in the pleasant spring weather. It was a low,thatched building not far from the Eastern end of Lantern Waste and some way above the meeting of the two rivers. He loved to live there simply and at ease,away from the state and pomp of Cair Paravel,the royal city. His name was King Tirian,and he was between twenty and twenty-five years old; his shoulders were already broad and strong and his limbs full of hard muscle,but his beard was still scanty. He had blue eyes and a fearless,honest face.

There was no one with him that spring morning except his dearest friend,Jewel the Unicorn. They loved each other like brothers and each had saved the other’s life in the wars. The lordly beast stood close beside the King’s chair,with its neck bent round polishing its blue horn against the creamy whiteness of its flank.

“I cannot set myself to any work or sport today,Jewel,”said the King.“I can think of nothing but this wonderful news. Think you we shall hear any more of it today ?”

“They are the most wonderful tidings ever heard in our days or our fathers’ or our grandfathers’ days,Sire,”said Jewel,“if they are true.”

“How can they choose but be true ?”said the King.“It is more than a week ago that the first birds came flying over us saying, Aslan is here,Aslan has come to Narnia again. And after that it was the squirrels. They had not seen him,but they said it was certain he was in the woods. Then came the Stag. He said he had seen him with his own eyes,a great way off,by moonlight, in Lantern Waste. Then came that dark Man with the beard,the merchant from Calormen. The Calormenes care nothing for Aslan as we do; but the man spoke of it as a thing beyond doubt. And there was the Badger last night; he too had seen Aslan.”

“Indeed,Sire,”answered Jewel,“I believe it all. If I seem not to,it is only that my joy is too great to let my belief settle itself. It is almost too beautiful to believe.”

“Yes,”said the King with a great sigh,almost a shiver,of delight.“It is beyond all that I ever hoped for in all my life.”

“Listen!”said Jewel,putting his head on one side and cocking his ears forward.

“What is it ?”asked the King.

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关于异界之随身武库: 修炼一途,唯在一心。心有所依,必不长久!修炼一途,危机四伏。心若张扬,生死瞬灭!若想长生久久视,心如万仞立苍穹,行若飘渺无踪觅!李逸阳穿越异界成为废物,却随身携带传承武库,就在他以为自己可以平推异界,做世界之王之时,武库之灵摇光却告诉他,自己是条被追杀亿万年的丧家犬!!李逸阳正是他费劲千辛万苦,前往祖源之地地球,寻找来的唯一希望!而这异界也只不过是个普通的小世界,他未来的路
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