

THE PLACE where they had met the Fauns was,of course,Dancing Lawn itself,and here Caspian and his friends remained till the night of the great Council.To sleep under the stars,to drink nothing but well water and to live chiefly on nuts and wild fruit,was a strange experience for Caspian after his bed with silken sheets in a tapestried chamber at the castle,with meals laid out on gold and silver dishes in the anteroom,and attendants ready at his call.But he had never enjoyed himself more.Never had sleep been more refreshing nor food tasted more savoury,and he began already to harden and his face wore a kinglier look.

When the great night came,and his various strange subjects came stealing into the lawn by ones and twos and threes or by sixes and sevens—the moon then shining almost at her full—his heart swelled as he saw their numbers and heard their greetings.All whom he had met were there: Bulgy Bears and Red Dwarfs and Black Dwarfs,Moles and Badgers,Hares and Hedgehogs,and others whom he had not yet seen—five Satyrs as red as foxes,the whole contingent of Talking Mice,armed to the teeth and following a shrill trumpet,some Owls,the Old Raven of Ravenscaur.Last of all and this took Caspian’s breath away,with the Centaurs came a small but genuine Giant,Wimbleweather of Deadman’s Hill,carrying on his back a basketful of rather sea-sick Dwarfs who had accepted his offer of a lift and were now wishing they had walked instead.

The Bulgy Bears were very anxious to have the feast first and leave the council till afterwards: perhaps till tomorrow.Reepicheep and his Mice said that councils and feasts could both wait,and proposed storming Miraz in his own castle that very night.Pattertwig and the other Squirrels said they could talk and eat at the same time,so why not have the council and feast all at once? The Moles proposed throwing up entrenchments round the Lawn before they did anything else.The Fauns thought it would be better to begin with a solemn dance.The Old Raven,while agreeing with the Bears that it would take too long to have a full council before supper,begged to be allowed to give a brief address to the whole company.But Caspian and the Centaurs and the Dwarfs overruled all these suggestions and insisted on holding a real council of war at once.

When all the other creatures had been persuaded to sit down quietly in a great circle,and when with more difficulty they had got Pattertwig to stop running to and fro and saying“Silence! Silence,everyone,for the King’s speech”,Caspian,feeling a little nervous,got up.“Narnians!”he began,but he never got

any further,for at that very moment Camillo the Hare said,“Hush! There’s a Man somewhere near.”

They were all creatures of the wild,accustomed to being hunted,and they all became still as statues.The beasts all turned their noses in the direction which Camillo had indicated.

“Smells like Man and yet not quite like Man,”whispered Trufflehunter.

“It’s getting steadily nearer,”said Camillo.

“Two badgers and you three Dwarfs,with your bows at the-ready,go softly off to meet it,”said Caspian.

“We’ll settle’un,”said a Black Dwarf grimly,fitting a shaft to his bowstring.

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